Community Services

Let Hope Rise Foundation will support this vision through seven specific programs, most of which already are in place at some level, others of which await funding:

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Housing for Homeless Families

Let Hope Rise Foundation provides apartments for up to eight families at a time who are threatened with homelessness. Four apartments come completely furnished, with rent and utilities paid in full for six months. Families “graduate” from those apartments into a second six months of care, during which they are responsible for half of the rent and utilities.

Benevolence and Compassion

Those who seek help meet with a professional who will understand his or her need beyond a superficial level. Whether it is rent money to get over a hump, a car payment, groceries or even a desire to grow beyond addiction, benevolence staff discerns legitimate needs and musters resources to address the need.

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Music and Arts Academy

Too often the artistic gifts of young people go unappreciated, undeveloped and underutilized. School systems have dropped music, theater and arts classes to save money and increase time for basic classroom academics. They fail to see the vital connection between the arts and learning.

The Foundation recognizes that music and arts help students blossom. Creative outlets will keep them engaged, focused, encouraged and safe. Some will find their life’s vocation if exposed to those avenues early.

Language Academy

Many nations are represented in the Steele Creek community. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools enrolls 17,000 students for whom English is not their first language.  While a mixed chorus of languages makes beautiful music, it is confusing when people cannot address each other in a common tongue.

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Job Assistance

HopePlex volunteers offer employment preparation and job matching for those in the community needing work. Long-term unemployment leads to discouragement, poverty and family disintegration. A good job is often just a connection away.

Computer Training

Economic opportunity evades anyone without computer skills. It is almost impossible even to apply for a job except online. 


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Recreational Activities

The Steele Creek Community does not have the traditional recreational opportunities of a population of this size. To meet some of the need and to give area youth a recreational outlet, there are now five high quality, adjustable basketball goals on the HopePlex’s paved parking lot.